How exciting - the very first two pairs via our ACCESS Free Pair programme have been delivered!!

I am so very pleased to share with you all that the very first two free pairs of SECRET HEVAN Period + Packing Boxers were sent in end of July/beginning of August! Another two pairs will be sent out as soon as I get hold of the next two folks on the list who have put their request in. 

If any recipients give me permission to share their stories, I will update it on here. Do keep an eye on the page and stay tuned for some happy and positive vibes! 

As you know, this cause is close to my heart and every bit of help means the world to me. So, please allow me to say a huge thank you to those who have placed an order and those who have donated to my ACCESS Free Pair programme - thank you for your support and for being so generous and kind! Without you, I would not have been able to delivery free pairs so soon after the launch or at all! I hope the boxers have made things easier for you - and I hope it puts a smile on your face to read those stories that are coming up soon, knowing that you have made a real difference to real people' lives. Someone somewhere is happier, can get on with their lives, feels safer or more like themselves, because of you. 

Thank you for being so amazing!

Lots of love,

Secret Hevan Founder